How to Drive More Traffic to Your Online Store or Website

Is your online store or website visible to your potential customers? If you are an online business owner who has invested lots of money into business, it can be a real concern if the customers don’t get to see what you have in store for them. It’s disappointing for anyone when all the painstaking amount of time and investment don’t fetch the desired results. If you are going through this, don’t be disheartened – we've got some ideas and strategies on how you can improve your brand visibility. 
In this article, we are here to tell you how you can improve traffic to your store/website, reach your target audience better and increase conversions. Scroll to find out more!  

5 Ways (Paid and Organic) to Improve Your Website Traffic and Visibility 

It’s not that hard to increase business reach as long as you use right strategies through ads and marketing. These 5 quintessential ways will ensure better traffic for your online business. 
  • SEO 
SEO is the godsent gift for all online businesses. It is free of cost, yet has the potential to drive insane number of prospective clients to your website. And the kind of traffic you get through search engine optimization is purely organic, meaning, higher rate of conversions. Optimize your website content, images, pages, products, etc. with SEO and make it to the top pages of google. That’s all you need for your online business to be seen. Some websites like come with inbuilt SEO features for products and pages to help them reach your target audience. 
  • Paid Ads 
You can consider giving paid advertisements on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and others. Paid advertisements allow you to select your audience - age, gender, region, category, etc. This way you can put up tailor-made advertisements that reach your target customers and in addition eliminates the scrap audience – best of both worlds. The pricing for advertising differs from one platform to another and the cost varies according to your selection of audience and duration of ad. 
  • Influencer Marketing 
We’re pretty sure you are familiar with influencer marketing even without knowing the actual term. Influencer marketing is basically promoting your products through influencers (fancy new-age word for celebrities, actors, and necessarily people have the skill, followers and ability ‘influence’) on social media platforms. For this, you need to find influencers in your niche or related ones and collaborate with them to promote your business through their posts, stories, videos, etc. In exchange, you need to give them a monetary compensation or gift them your products/services. 
  • Contests & Giveaways 
Contests and giveaways are fun ways to attract your audience and keep their eyes up on the prize – free products, extra discounts, and more in exchange for their engagement. Not only that, contests and giveaways also help you gain new followers for your Instagram or Facebook page who can be your prospective clients. In contests, you can create fun puzzles, finish the sentence posts, etc. relating your brand to the current news, trending topics, memes, etc. When it comes to contests and giveaways, there’s a great scope for mouth publicity which is THE MOST effective and promising form of marketing.  
  • Blog 
Blog is another way to attract new clients and to engage the existing ones. Whatever your niche is, come up with relevant and informative articles that are beneficial for your customers. You can easily establish a loyal reader-base as long as you can help your customers with their problems in your niche. Interesting articles with proven statistics, historical significance or fun facts also go a long way. You may as well make them SEO friendly for even better reach. Also, you can promote your products or services in your own articles as well. Just make sure to not overdo it.   
These are a few ways to increase your business visibility and reach. In the end, it all boils down to one thing – relevance. Always keep your content, images, tags, descriptions, and everything on your website relevant to your product/business. And always be on a lookout for changing trends and news and keep incorporating them in your marketing content (be it text, posts or hashtags). We hope this was helpful for you. Stay tuned for more informative articles related to online businesses, e-commerce and more!